I just want to let you know that the devotional “Planned from the Start” has been life-changing. With each passing day as I read through it and journal, I realize that no matter what I’ve done, his joy and forgiveness are for me as well. I find that I cry so much more these days, but in a good way because God is revealing his love and GRACE to me each day and I am undone all over again. I am no longer on the sidelines but fully entering into all he has for me. I still have a ways to go, but oh how wonderful this freedom is!
This book is truly Holy Spirit written and I am so grateful to you for sharing it. I am praying for revival in America through the movie “Unplanned” and this devotional. I saw the movie myself and I still have no words to describe all of the emotions. This movie speaks TRUTH, and I am continually praying over it. God Bless you!!"
A customer review for Planned from the Start

Cary Solomon & Chuck Konzelman
Writers-Directors of Unplanned
Abortion is not the "unpardonable sin." The Lord offers mercy, grace, and forgiveness that leads to the healing and restoration of identity.
Our prayer is that this devotional will be the catalyst that begins a personal healing journey for every person who has been affected by abortion.

Shawn Carney
CEO and President of 40 Days for Life
The pro-life movement is a movement of converts and therefore a movement of hope. There is nothing more unnatural than paying a healer, a doctor, to take the life of a child. Abortion is devastating, and the ‘relief’ it promises is nowhere to be found in the aftermath. This beautiful book is a finger that points to healing, hope, and freedom that is possible through Jesus Christ. He is the Great Healer, and these pages show His power to restore our brokenness.
Unplanned explores Abby Johnson’s journey from Planned Parenthood clinic director to pro-life advocate. Her compelling story is an emotional roller coaster for many women and men whose lives have been touched by abortion. Post-abortion trauma crosses all socio-economic, racial, cultural, and religious boundaries. Many women who chose abortion suffer silently in the aftermath, unaware of the far-reaching effects this decision has triggered in their lives, struggling to believe God could ever forgive them.
As a companion devotional to the movie, Planned from the Start reveals five core areas of emotional turmoil often faced following abortion—emotions that trap women and men in the prison of pain that abortion has brought into their lives and into the lives of those who love them.
These core areas of emotional turmoil are grief, guilt, shame, regret, and depression. But where trauma inflicts devastating pain, God extends abundant grace.
Where there is grief, He anoints your head with joy.
Where there is guilt, He offers you forgiveness.
Where there is shame, He covers you in grace.
Where there is regret, He wraps you in comfort.
Where there is depression, He lifts your heart with hope.
Filled with moments for reflection and personal stories from those who have experienced their own journeys of trauma and redemption, this interactive devotional invites readers to begin healing from the pain of post-abortion trauma to freedom and wholeness.
Format: Hardcover (with ribbon marker)
Pages: 192
Dimensions: 6x9

Ashley Bratcher
Actress in Unplanned
Planned from the Start is an incredibly powerful resource for anyone who has experienced the pain that abortion causes. I believe this book will bring healing and restoration to millions.

Julie True
Soaking Worship Music Artist
Planned from the Start opened up unexpected places in my heart. It beautifully led me through many emotions and brought peace to painful memories. Long-held lies in my mind were replaced with God’s truth and His love for me.

Robia Scott
Actress in Unplanned
Infused with hope and healing on every page. Planned from the Start is a beacon of light, love, and restoration for anyone who has experienced the trauma incurred by abortion.

Dr. Kynan Bridges
Author, Kynan Bridges Ministries
I recommend this book to any person looking for home in their darkest hour and longing to experience the grace of God in ways they never imagined. God has a plan even for the unplanned!

Laura Harris Smith
Author, TV Host of "theThree"
Breathtaking. I have never cried while previewing a manuscript for endorsement, but I did with Planned from the Start. Tears that quickly turned to hope and freedom. If you need healing from a crisis pregnancy, this book is for you. If you know someone who does, this book is your gift to them.

Joshua Mills
Author of "Moving in the Glory Realms"
Planned from the Start tackles a very difficult subject with God’s grace and kindness that offers a healing path for anyone who has felt the toxic effects of abortion. As you read, may your heart be healed and your soul made well.

Daryl Lefever
Producer of Unplanned
Planned from the Start picks up where the movie leaves off offering the first step toward healing for women and men who have suffered through the trauma of abortion. This vital resource offers hope as it restores identity, destiny, and purpose.

Susie Larson
Author, Show Host, National Speaker
My friend, Lorraine, has crafted a beautifully deep devotional that will minister to your heart and lead you to a place of healing you never thought possible. You may fear that you won’t survive it. But you’ll not only survive it, you will go on to thrive in life!

Fabiano Altamura
Dean, Bethel Conservatory of the Arts
Planned from the Start: A Healing Devotional is a face-to-face encounter with the Healer Himself. The testimonies of hope and restoration in this book will be inspirational to all who read.

Lorraine Marie Varela is a screenwriter and author of Powerful Moments in the Presence of God and Love in the Face of ISIS. She and her husband, Gabriel, co-founded Inspiring Faith International, a ministry to help people from all walks of life draw closer to God. Together they co-led a prayer and ministry team on the film set of Unplanned. Lorraine lives in the Los Angeles area and can be found online at www.inspiringfaith.us